Directorate of Higher & Technical Education (DHTE)

The Directorate of Higher & Technical Education (H&TE) was established on 1st April, 1989 when the erstwhile Education Department was trifurcated into School Education, Higher Education and Adult Education. The department is also referred to as DHTE.
The Director is the head of the Department and the Administrative Department is headed by the Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Higher & Technical Education Department.
The Directorate of H &TE office deals with matters concerning higher education from collegiate level upwards including technical education. There are three offices that perform separate functions under the department:
  • The Directorate Office (main)
  • Office of Mizoram State Council for Technical Education, headed by Joint Director of H&TE (Tech.)
  • Office of Mizoram Scholarship Board, headed by Secretary MSB.

Mizoram State Council for Technical Education

The Mizoram State Council for Technical Education is managed by the office of the Joint Director (Technical). The office conducts Mizoram Diploma Entrance Exam (MDEE) for entry into the 2 (two) department-owned polytechnic institutes that offer AICTE recognized courses mentioned below:
Mizoram Polytechnic, Lunglei (MPL) offers a 3-Year Diploma Course in (i) Civil, Engineering, (ii) Electrical Engineering, (iv) Mechanical Engineering and (iv) Computer Science Engineering.
Women's Polytechnic, Aizawl (WPA) which offers 3-year Diploma in (i) Modern Office Management Practice, (ii) Garment Technology, (iii) Beauty Culture & Cosmetology, and (iv) Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering.
In addition, this office conducts national level entrance tests for entry into technical courses like JEE and NEET. It also conducts the State Medical and Technical Entrance Test (SMATEE). The office also provides supervisory and regulatory service to more than 20 institutes offering Diploma in Computer Application (DCA) all over the state.

Mizoram Scholarship Board

The Mizoram Scholarship Board looks after the Post Matric Scholarship of Centrally Sponsored Scheme for students belonging to Scheduled Tribes residing in Mizoram. In addition, students pursuing various technical courses are given assistance in the form of Stipend, Book Grants etc.
The Directorate of Higher & Technical Education (H &TE) Department Strives continuously to enhance quality of service towards higher education in the State.

Contact Details

Directorate of Higher & Technical Education
Aizwal, Mizoram

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